Lovic Special Ones.

The aroma of freshly baked waffle filled my senses as I pushed through the glass door of this newly acquired cafe. 

It was originally named Higherground cafe owned by Ivory Heaw and when she posted on her fb page offering the cafe for sale Jannet immediately rushed over and snapped it up.

‘I really love the environment of this cafe it's so cozy and comfortable, a perfect place for them to hone their skills’ said Jannet Khoo the founder of Lovic Enterprise.

‘Lovic serves as a center for youths with special need enabling them to learn skills that could earn them an income so that they can be independent and rely less on their parents’ stressed Jannet.

They are also helped by Ah Eng managing the kitchen operations where she also understands the behavior of the youths enabling her to manage them accordingly.  
Ah Eng does most of the cooking and shares her skills with them. 

Let’s say hello to Lovic Special Ones.

The eldest of all is Low Khing Hong, 28 years old and he’s a slow learner. He has tried a few odd jobs at retail stores but it didn’t work out so his parents decided to send him here.

 He’s very friendly and obedient therefore managing him is very simple and his inquisitive nature allows him to learn new things at his own pace.
Slow and steady wins the race and he really loves his photo being taken.

Meet Kah Jun.
The hardworking 18 year old Kah Jun with autism is mostly in charge of food preparation, baking and handmade crafts. 

As you can see Kah Jun is really good with his hands. 

Hyper as Ever.

Wei Hen is 21 years old this year and he’s the busy one around here.

Busy taking customer orders, F&B preparation, doing house chores and snacking on food whenever he could lay his hands on.

Food & beverages preparation and doing house chores.

And snacking on food whenever he could lay his hands on.
Red-handedly caught snacking.

Wei Hen apart from being a hyper kid he is also gifted with an incredible memory where he can memorize the date and month of the calendar without much hassle.

And to demonstrate his astute memory Jannet summoned him to find out the day of my birth date in the year 2020.

He coolly sat down, his head deep in thought while his fingers furiously convulsed before blurting out 'Monday’

I gasped and said ‘Spot on, Jannet his memory is astonishing let's take him to the casino and we’re going to win lots of money' hence leaving Jannet in stiches. 

“We first started with Lovic One Day Café whereby we only open for a day but now we are open every day” beamed Jannet.

‘The cafe allows them to contact with the customers and it’s really fun for them.

We need to let them feel they are a part of the society and the role that they play plus the skills that they can offer.

Most importantly when they walk out from this cafe they would be confident to stand on their own’ Jannet adamantly said.

Here's what the kitchen offers. 

The house specialty The Waffle Burger with fries.

Everyone helps out in the kitchen.

Lifting the freshly baked waffle.

Up close and personal with their Special Waffle Burger.

Also do try their breakfast set.

The Strawberry milk shake.

And for dessert do try their homemade chocolate marble cake.

A few snapshot of the cozy ambiance of the cafe. 

A great place to hangout and for some table talk.

They are able to cater to a larger crowd too.

My advice to parents with children that requires special needs.

‘Please don’t keep them at home allow them to be exposed to the public and slowly let them adjust to the society’

‘And soon they will learn how to familiarize with people and then develop a set of skills that could earn them a living’

And when asked about the challenges that she would be facing in the coming times.

“The expenses and operating cost of the cafe is alarming and right now we couldn’t afford to change the signboard and we’re hoping for some sponsors to chip in’

‘And I don’t want them to be sympathized or looked down so no matter how tough it is I will still carry on teaching and supporting them as long as I can’ Jannet adamantly said.

'When the cafe starts to generate income from the sales then we can start paying them their salaries and just imagine the look on their faces when they receive their first month salary'

You can support them by visiting the cafe and try out their food, beverages, dessert, biscuits and also purchase their handmade crafts

And please don't forget to order their best seller the Waffle burger. Kemon people Let's go! 

Lovic Cafe.
No. 6 (1st Floor ) 
Jalan Bukit Galena 1, 
Taman Bukit Galena, 
70200, Seremban.
Biz hours: 9am - 6pm. Open daily.
Contact Jannet at 018-2548171.

To know more about them.
Please Like their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/LovicEnterprise/
Please join their FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1537844523095716/


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