'Anak saya suka main beras - They have a different way of experiencing the world'
‘You tak erti jaga anak ke?’ kata seorang makcik yang duduk di meja sebelah semasa di kenduri orang kahwin.
‘Mohon maaf makcik anak saya Autisme’ jawab Puan Widyatuty Bte Mohd Fuaad selaku Naib Presiden Persatuan Komuniti Bersatu Teguh (Civitas)
Pn Widya juga berkata ‘Semasa mengandung, nak dapatkan dia memang lama dan susah namun apabila dia dilahirkan ia satu dugaan buat kita.
Dan bila dapat tahu dia Autisme kita menangis sebulan tetapi sampai bila kita nak menangis, kita harus terima dia ni kurniaan Tuhan, Wasif seorang anak syurga’
Semasa di rumah, dunia mereka sentiasa berputar di sekeliling Wasif dan semua perhatian diberikan kepada dia sehinggakan adik-beradiknya sering bertanya kenapa Wasif boleh melakukan sebegini dan mereka pula tidak dibenarkan. Bukan mudah untuk menjawab soalan mereka namun Puan Widya bersama suaminya tetap gigih menempuhi segala dugaan yang bakal menanti.
Wasif pernah dihantar ke merata pusat Autisme tetapi gagal membuahkan hasil sehingga suatu hari mereka bertemu dengan Edith Kasander daripada The Play Project Seremban.
Edith atau lebih dikenali dengan nama Devi juga selaku Presiden Civitas telah memberi naungan kepada Civitas untuk bekerjasama dengan The Play Project bagi tujuan untuk membantu ibubapa kepada kanak-kanak istimewa tersebut.
Dan selepas setahun lebih menghantar Wasif ke The Play Project Seremban sudah ternampak perubahannya dari segi kekuatan fizikal. Wasif telah menjalani 'Suit' Terapi sebuah teknologi daripada NASA USA yang hanya terdapat di 3 tempat di seluruh tanahair iaitu di Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, Sarawak dan Seremban sahaja.
Suit Terapi ini bertujuan untuk membantu memperkukuhkan daya fizikal badan pengguna tersebut. This unique suit therapy is aimed towards strengthening his physical body strength. |
'Sebelum menjalani Suit Terapi ini, tubuh Wasif amat lemah tetapi sekarang dia sudah mampu berkayuh basikal dan dia juga lebih fokus dan peka terhadap alam di sekelilingnya' ujar Pn Widya.
Playhouse咖啡屋是一个涵盖社区各阶层的活动,将特殊儿童和家人与其他普罗大众联系起来。此活动旨在成为一个推手,以塑造一个充满“醒觉、接纳、包容”的森美兰芙蓉社区,成为拥有特殊儿童家庭的支柱。Playhouse咖啡屋会以合理的价格,提供简单并健康的小食和饮料。那些在The Play House进行治疗的特殊儿童将负责扮演咖啡屋的服务员、小厨师和收银员的角色,让他们有机会与社区各阶层人士互动,并从中获得成就感。
Playhouse咖啡屋的收益将用于积极参此活动的家庭,以赞助部分他们在The Play House进行疗程的费用——我们期望未来将进一步拓展至协助贫困家庭。
Playhouse咖啡屋也会提供适合孩童进行的活动,如drum circle和手工。此外,我们也会邀请专业人士和治疗师分享他们的经验,以提供家长学习和咨询。
Playhouse咖啡屋每月一次,于The Play House进行。
Website: http://www.civitas.org.my/
Their FB page: https://www.facebook.com/theplayproject2016/
Puan Fatima bersama anaknya Aiman 6 tahun.
Dan kini di The Play Project Aiman menjalani Occupational Therapy dan Speech Therapy telah banyak memperbaiki cara dia bertutur dan motor skill juga banyak berubah secara positif.
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Edith Kasander or better known as Devi
is a certified intensive care nurse and also a certified aquatic therapist and she is highly knowledgeable in dealing
with kids with special needs.
‘Currently we have about 20-25 kids and they come in at different times’ said Devi.
Play Project and Civitas are geared towards creating a therapy center for parents
that are struggling on how to manage their kid's behavior without putting themselves under too much financial pressure.
and team also stressed that many kids with special needs are losing out on
therapy hours because their parents couldn’t afford it and that’s how she roped
in Civitas so that Hand in Hand We Grow Together.
is going to be 10 this year and he’s been diagnosed with autism. His mother Pearly
Wong sent him here about 2 years ago for both occupational and suit
‘We’ve been to many centers in town and none of them have these kinds of therapies and facilities offered at The Play Project’ said Pearly Wong.
‘We’ve been to many centers in town and none of them have these kinds of therapies and facilities offered at The Play Project’ said Pearly Wong.
‘Initially when Ethan first started he struggled a lot but now there is huge improvement not only in his motor skill but also in his speech and awareness. He’s more sensitive towards his surroundings and his senses and coordination are much sharper now’ stressed Pearly.
And he also knows between the right and the wrong, what he should do and what he shouldn’t plus his stamina, strength and endurance have dramatically improved' beamed Pearly.
Expressing her delight with Ethan’s development she also said ‘His way of thinking has matured, he can now express his needs and wants, his likes and dislikes and that has tremendously helped in managing him.
His balancing and muscle tones showed major improvements as he was very weak at the beginning and now he’s a lot stronger with the help of the suit therapy’
Pearly Wong with Ethan sharing a light moment during the suit therapy session. |
This is an infra red sauna it is specially designed to create the heat within the body which will help in detoxification and boost the immune system. |
Introducing our kid of the day Hakimi, he has Williams syndrome a very rare condition and he loves his photo being taken.
Hakimi enjoying a foot massage before getting into some serious action. |
Time for some soldier tunnel crawling training. |
After soldier training he goes outdoor for the trampoline session where it helps him to stay fit, strengthens his skeletal system and to increase bone mass. |
And his favorite time of the day is when he hits the swimming pool.
Devi single-handedly performs the aquatic therapy on a one-to-one basis. |
The inside look of the spacious Play Project. |
Puvaneeswari giving a warm and loving hug which will help to relax and calm her down |
Kavitha is doing a rhythmic movement therapy to help integrate primitive reflexes that might hinder further development. |
A typical example of self independence and to make a living on his own. Meet the 30 year old in-house gardener named Naveen.
The soon to be open Civitas Cafe.
Open to the public where the cafe will also feature art workshops and drum circles. It is also intended to be a training ground for the children to slowly learn to make and serve food & beverages. Kindly stay tuned for the launch of its sizzling menu.
They will be starting an organic garden to grow fruits and vegetables and the sale of the produce will be used to cover the cost and salary of the occupants.
The people of The Play Project and Civitas. |
See you on the 21st April. |
Sertailah mereka pada hari Sabtu ini dari pukul 3pm - 6pm di Seremban Prima.
Pelbagai aktiviti menarik menanti anda dan sesi bersama mereka yang teristimewa.
'Mereka cuma inginkan senyuman anda'
Do not miss out on their grand event this Saturday at Seremban Prima from 3pm - 6pm.
They have lots of activities planned and the best of all the chance to meet the kids.
And all they want from you is a smile.
The Play Project Address: No.2 Jalan Dato' Kelana Makmor, 70200 Seremban.
Contact no. 014-637 5067
Email: theplayproject2016@gmail.com
For more info please visit thier website and FB page:
Civitas Website: http://www.civitas.org.my/Related article: https://melissathegreat.com/2018/04/17/the-play-project-mahavidya-civitas-seremban/
good one sunny.