Yi Jia Taste@Seremban Gateway. Official opening正式开张。

The Standing Ovation Chicken is coming to town.

From their FB page.

億家集团属下的“品味億家”芙蓉新分店即将于2017年11月18日在Seremban Gateway正式开张。配合开张,我们的团队准备了一系列特别促销活动和幸运大抽奖。您的出席令我们感到万分荣幸,期待您的光临。谢谢大家

Dear valuable customers and friends, our company’s new concept, "Yi Jia Taste" will be launching our 2nd outlet at Seremban Gateway on 18th November 2017. 

In conjunction with the opening, there will be lucky draw with grand prizes and promotions. We would like to humbly invite you to join us on the opening. Your presence will be greatly appreciated as it’ll be an honour for us to be able to share this special day with you. Thank you.

Opening promotion. 

Their signature dish The Standing Ovation Chicken. 

Interior artist's impression.


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