What's going on at Rapid?

I'm sure most of you are curious with the on-going activities in this huge warehouse, the former Rapid supermarket. 

Pasaraya Rapid yang telah ditutup sejak tahun lepas kini dipenuhi dengan lori kontena dengan muatan stok yang menggunung.

Untuk mengubati perasaan ingin tahu terhadap apa yang sedang berlaku saya pun singgah ke tempat tersebut.

Ingatkan sebuah pasaraya yang baru akan dibuka tetapi sebenarnya ia telah dijadikan sebagai sebuah gudang kepada kilang Coca Cola Malaysia yang terletak di Bandar Enstek.

Kesemua stok keluaran kilang tersebut akan diagihkan ke gudang ini untuk disimpan.
And if you're driving pass you'll notice a dozen of parked container lorries in the compound with many unloaded goods being shifted in.

So what is going on here?

I decided to do some 4+4 (kepoh) and as I alighted from the car, the security guard was already at my face 'What is your business here?' he asked but I deviated by asking him back 'What's going on here?'

'This is the new warehouse for Coca Cola Malaysia and everything manufactured from the bottler plant in Bandar Enstek will be stored here' he answered.

I asked again would there be any retail shopping mart but he said no, it is strictly a warehouse for Coca Cola products and if I wanted to do some shopping I ought go next door to NSK.

And when I whipped out my phone he promptly said 'Sorry, no photos allowed, sir'

And his body gesture suggested that I get back into my car and leave.

But I could not resist to secretly snap some photos.

Workers busy using forklifts to shift all the bottled drinks into the warehouse.    

Fully stacked with cartons of bottled drinks all over the place and Coca Cola bottled plant in Bandar Enstek also produces the following brands Sprite, Fanta, A&W Root Beer, Schweppes, Aquarius, Glaceau, Dasani, Minute Maid and Heaven & Earth. 

Kilang Coca Cola Bandar Estek juga menghasilkan produk² berjenama yang tertera diatas.

The security guard reminded me that no photos allowed because the stocks in the warehouse are worth millions. And security will be tight around the clock to keep things in order.

And for those hoping for a new shopping mart sorry to disappoint you but we don't need another shopping mall. 

Dilarang mengambil foto atas faktor keselamatan, mohon maaf saya mengingkari peraturan tersebut.

Dan kepada yang mengharapkan sebuah pasaraya baru akan dibuka mohon maaf sekali lagi sebab bandar Seremban sudah pun mempunyai pasaraya yang berlebihan.



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